Mini-crane manufacturer Madrid

Mini-crane manufacturer Madrid

Where to buy an electric workshop crane with a Lithium battery?

Where to buy an electric workshop crane with a Lithium battery?

Are you looking for an electric workshop crane with a lithium battery? Our company Mobilev Cranes, located in the...
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2160 kg MAX.: Three-wheel variable wheelbase mini crane: 20MT 3x1

2160 kg MAX.: Three-wheel variable wheelbase mini crane: 20MT 3x1

The 20MT 3x1 mini crane has the best power to footprint ratio on the market.   It comes with variable wheelbase to ...
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Special electric machine for the steel industry

Special electric machine for the steel industry

This electric machine with accompanying driver, called a "corker" was specially designed by Mobilev Cranes for the...
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electric tug


Need an electric tug with greater autonomy? We have it and can adapt it to your requirements.
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2000 kg maxi: Three-wheel mini crane with long-span jib: 25MT 3x1

2000 kg maxi: Three-wheel mini crane with long-span jib: 25MT 3x1

This model 25MT 3x1 lifting mini crane is one of the range of compact workshop mini cranes with accompanying...
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manual crane

200 KG MAXI : Mini-grue manuelle d'atelier: MINIMOB 02

Cette mini-grue manuelle à porte-à-faux (P-A-F) très compacte est équipée d'une flèche additionnelle permettant d'atte...
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To raise loads in a confined space or for any other task, you need to buy a compact lifting vehicle? Mobilev Cranes offers you to buy mini-cranes in {secteur}. Our mini-cranes can be used in different sectors of activities such as agribusiness, aerospace, and the automotive industry. 
You may also need one of our compact electric cranes for construction works in {secteur}. If you're interested in buying one of our products or need any further information about our company, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Our area of ​​activity for this service

Mini-crane manufacturer